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Students begin the school year with learning the parts of the computer and their function as input/output devices.  Next, they are instructed in proper keyboarding skills and methods for touch typing using the home row keys.  

Students are working on Course 1 at and working towards getting their certificate.  Click on the link below for your teacher's name and click on your secret character to work on your coding skills at home!







As the year progresses, students create projects in Microsoft Word, Power Point, Publisher and Excel.  They learn programming at and will also be introduced to additional coding websites, Tynker and Scratch.  Students work with partners on collaborative projects with the iPads and create iMovies and Podcasts.  They will continue to improve their search skills in Google Earth, and gain knowledge on Cyber Safety and how to be a good Digital Citizen.  Projects during the year include a calendar in the spreadsheet application, a name acrostic in Microsoft Word, a greeting card for Mother's Day, and a Tagxedo project.


"While we strive to provide only links to useful and ethical websites, we have no control over the content and nature of these sites and the links to other websites do not imply a recommendation for all the content found on these sites. Sites will have privacy policies and terms which are beyond our control."

2nd Grade

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